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First order at at

We find out that Kylo Ren hasn't risen to infamy yet, since Kaz and Neeku Vozo ( Josh Brener) aren't familiar with the name when they learn that he led the "small army" that razed the children's homeworld, Tehar, and killed their parents. The First Order is staying under the radar Sinister dark shuttles are never a good thing in Star Wars. Ello is shot down over Starkiller Base in that movie's final battle. Abrams likes to include nods to the band in his work. If Ello's name seems weird, it's because he's a reference to the album Hello Nasty by the Beastie Boys - The Force Awakens director J.J. He reports that to Resistance pilot Ello Asty ( Matthew Wood) - who stands in for Poe Dameron as his contact within the rebel group. His quick thinking saves Kel and Eila from the First Order goons and he hears the name Kylo Ren for the first time.

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He manages to advance his spying mission by gathering intel on the First Order and fulfil his duties as a mechanic by replacing the compensator (which, admittedly, he did break) for fellow mechanic Tam Ryvora ( Suzie McGrath). We're introduced to Kel ( Anthony Del Rio) and Eila ( Nikki SooHoo), a pair of young siblings who've come to the Colossus refuelling platform to escape the militaristic regime, and their plight starts to open Kazuda Xiono's (AKA Kaz, played by Christopher Sean) eyes to the threat he faces. The CGI animated series Star Wars Resistance gives us a sense of what the First Order has been up to in the sixth episode.

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The First Order's Commander Pyre (in gold) is hunting a pair of children.

First order at at